How to Clone A Plant: Detailed Guide Explained

Viona Lynn
5 min readNov 18, 2021
clone a plant
Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

There might be a misconception you might have when you hear of plant cloning for the first time. You may have thought that to clone a plant, you need to have some equipment(like lighting and watering system) and some scientific qualifications, but that’s not the case.

In this article, you will discover the best way to clone plants and the step-by-step guideline you can use to get started. You will ultimately find answers to your many questions about plant cloning.

What is plant cloning?

You may probably be familiar with the general term ‘cloning.’

Now, in terms of plants, it is the process of generating genetically identical plants from a parent/original plant.

So, when you clone a plant, you’re simply forming new plants from it that are similar in every way to the original one.

what is clone

The cloning process requires that you take cuttings of one plant and then plant them elsewhere to grow independently. It usually takes about 1–3 weeks to form roots and start a new life as a clone.

The Best Way To Clone A Plant

There are different methods for plant cloning. Each method has its advantage and demerits. However, the success of any cloning process is dependent on several factors.

First, the cloning techniques used, then the quality of materials employed, and then the method.

Is there such a thing as the best way to clone a plant? Yes, there is!

What you need is a cloner.

Cloners are invaluable to a successful cloning process; they give your plants the most decent environment to thrive. With cloners, you are assured that your plants will get to have a strong rooting system in a short time as compared to using the soil.

cloner for plant cloning
Image Source:

Going with what is most popular in the cloning world, most people prefer to use Rockwool cubes. These cubes help to retain nutrients and lock in moisture for your clones’ tender root systems.

So, if you still wish to clone a plant, it’s best to check out Rockwool cubes as they’re inexpensive and non-toxic.

Plant Cloning Step-by-Step Guide

The Preliminary Step to Clone a Plant

This step mainly involves getting the proper materials for the cloning process.

Here are the things you need to do:

1.Select the cloning container you prefer:

The kind of container you choose is determined by the size of the plant when it finally grows and the number of plants you wish to clone. This means that you need to begin with proper research and then select based on what you find.

2.Rockwool or soil? Which do you prefer?

Here’s where you need to decide whether or not you will be using soil to grow your plant. Rockwool cubes have their merits and demerits, same as the regular planting soil.

plant cloning medium

Rockwool doesn’t contain the kind of nutrients that regular soil does. It requires that it be soaked overnight with water at a 4.5 pH balance.

Composted garden soil, seed starting mix, and potting soil are good variants of soil you can choose from. For this process, you need to be intentional about the soil you choose.

3.Do you wish to utilize root hormones?

If you prefer to clone a plant organically, then you may not buy the idea of root hormones. The reason is that most root hormones have toxic chemicals like fungicides that may affect your garden. Luckily, there are other options you can choose from like cinnamon, willow tea, etc.

The Planting Phase

This is the point where you get to plant the stem you’ve cut from the original plant.

1.Fill the container with the chosen media.

2.Make the soil moist

3.Cut the stem

4.Apply the rooting hormone

5.Put the plant stem into the soil’s hole or Rockwool

6.Cover the container

Caring for Your Clone

There is no successful process without consistent nurturing and care for your plant. Yes, you’ve used the best cloning techniques and media, yet, it will count for nothing if the clone fails to thrive.

So, how can you care for your clone?

1.Position the container to get the adequate amount of sunlight it needs.

caring for your cloned plant
Image Source:

As part of your effort to care for your plant, a good option for adequate light exposure is led grow lights. These are specially designed with the science of the growth of your plants in mind. So, you can grow your plants indoors and have an excellent output at the end of the day.

2.Keep the soil moist daily.

It takes your plant about 1–2 weeks to begin the process of root formation.

Therefore, you want to give this growing clone all the support it needs to thrive. One way to do this is by making the soil moist regularly. Ensure you take caution not to drench the soil — you may kill the clone that way.


A healthy plant clone is a product of many factors we have talked about in this article. One crucial element needed for these young plants to thrive is good nutrition.

Originally published at on November 18, 2021.



Viona Lynn

An experienced writer and consultant, passionate about horticulture. Have a strong eye to details and tenacity never to quit.